1. Pestilence – (noun) महामारी, plague, epidemic
2. Obfuscate – (verb) छिपाना muffle, conceal
3. Deliberately – (adv) जान-बूझकर, purposely, designedly
4. Xenophobia – (noun) dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries, apartheid
5. Perilous – (adj) खतरनाक, Dangerous, hazardous
6. Smouldering – (noun) the process of burning slowly with smoke but no flame
7. Ember – (noun) चिंगारी, charcoal
8. Fissures – (noun) दरार rift, leak, blowout
9. Slip-up – (noun) ग़लती boner, inaccuracy
10. Onerous – (adj) कष्टदायक painful, weighty
11. Ostensibly – (adv) देखने में, apparently, on the face of it
12. Mitigated – (verb) कम करना extenuate, reduce
13. Decree – (noun) an official order that has the force of law
14. Morbidities – (noun) रोगों की संख्या
15. Malnourishment – (noun) कुपोषण lack of proper nnutritionn
🔰 The Hindu Vocabulary 🔰
1. VIBRANT (ADJECTIVE): (जोशपूर्ण): energetic
Synonyms: spirited, virile
Antonyms: dispirited, lethargic
Example Sentence:
The rich merchants are a part of a vibrant economy.
2. EXPEDITIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (शीघ्र): speedy
Synonyms: swift, quick
Antonyms: slow
Example Sentence:
The investigation was supposed to be expeditious.
3. PERTURBED (ADJECTIVE): (व्याकुल): anxious
Synonyms: worried, concerned
Antonyms: unworried
Example Sentence:
He nodded, obviously perturbed about something.
4. SATISFACTORY (ADJECTIVE): (संतोषजनक): adequate
Synonyms: all right, acceptable
Antonyms: unsatisfactory
Example Sentence:
He did not get a satisfactory reply.
5. FALLOW (ADJECTIVE): (परती, बिना जोती बोई भूमि): uncultivated
Synonyms: unploughed, untilled
Antonyms: cultivated
Example Sentence:
Incentives were provided to farmers to let land lie fallow.
6. INFIRM (ADJECTIVE): (कमजोर): frail
Synonyms: weak, feeble
Antonyms: strong
Example Sentence:
Those who are old or infirm aren't allowed to travel.
7. SUBSEQUENT (ADJECTIVE): (आगामी): following
Synonyms: ensuing, succeeding
Antonyms: previous
Example Sentence:
The theory was developed subsequent to the earthquake of 1906.
8. UPHOLD (VERB): (कायम रखना): maintain
Synonyms: sustain, continue
Antonyms: abandon
Example Sentence:
They uphold a tradition of not causing distress to living creatures.
9. INCAPACITATE (VERB): (अक्षमता): disabled
Synonyms: debilitated, indisposed
Antonyms: fit
Example Sentence:
He was incapacitated by a heart attack.
1. VIBRANT (ADJECTIVE): (जोशपूर्ण): energe
Synonyms: spirited, viril
Antonyms: dispirited, lethargi
Example Sentence
The rich merchants are a part of a vibrant economy
2. EXPEDITIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (शीघ्र): spee
Synonyms: swift, quic
Antonyms: slo
Example Sentence
The investigation was supposed to be expeditious
3. PERTURBED (ADJECTIVE): (व्याकुल): anxio
Synonyms: worried, concerne
Antonyms: unworrie
Example Sentence
He nodded, obviously perturbed about something
4. SATISFACTORY (ADJECTIVE): (संतोषजनक): adequa
Synonyms: all right, acceptabl
Antonyms: unsatisfactor
Example Sentence
He did not get a satisfactory reply
5. FALLOW (ADJECTIVE): (परती, बिना जोती बोई भूमि): uncultivat
Synonyms: unploughed, untille
Antonyms: cultivate
Example Sentence
Incentives were provided to farmers to let land lie fallow
6. INFIRM (ADJECTIVE): (कमजोर): fra
Synonyms: weak, feebl
Antonyms: stron
Example Sentence
Those who are old or infirm aren't allowed to travel
7. SUBSEQUENT (ADJECTIVE): (आगामी): followi
Synonyms: ensuing, succeedin
Antonyms: previou
Example Sentence
The theory was developed subsequent to the earthquake of 1906
8. UPHOLD (VERB): (कायम रखना): mainta
Synonyms: sustain, continu
Antonyms: abando
Example Sentence
They uphold a tradition of not causing distress to living creatures
9. INCAPACITATE (VERB): (अक्षमता): disabl
Synonyms: debilitated, indispose
Antonyms: fi
Example Sentence
He was incapacitated by a heart attack
10. PUERILE (ADJECTIVE): (बचकाना): childi
Synonyms: immature, infantil
Antonyms: matur
Example Sentence
We had a puerile argument.:eesh.:tded.:nein.:sgng.:geil.:dded.:yete.:ddus.:wkdy.:cetic
1.Learn The Ropes (Phrase)-To learn or understand the basic details of how to do or perform a job, task, or activity.
2.Disentangling (V)-free from involvement or entanglement.
3.Rivalry (N)-competition for the same objective or for superiority in the same field. प्रतिस्पर्धा, होड़
4.Strove (V)-make great efforts to achieve or obtain something. प्रयास किया
5.Disarmament (N)-the reduction or withdrawal of military forces and weapons. निरस्त्रीकरण
6.Pragmatism (N)-an approach to problems and situations that is based on practical solutions.
7.Eviction (N)-expulsion, removal, ouster, deportation. निष्कासन, बेदख़ली
8.Red Lines (N)-a limit beyond which someone's behaviour is no longer acceptable.
1.Clamp Down (Phrasal Verb)-suppress or prevent something in an oppressive or harsh manner. शिकंजा कसना
2.Dissemination (N)-the act of spreading news, information, ideas, etc. to a lot of people. प्रसार
3.Besetting (V)-to cause someone difficulty or danger over a period of time.
4.Despotic (Adj)-using power in a cruel and unreasonable way. तानाशाही
5.Disrepute (N)-the state of being held in low esteem by the public. अपकीर्ति
6.Crack Down On (Phrasal Verb)-take severe measures against someone or something. इस पर कड़ी कार्यवाही
7.Tarnishing (V)-to harm someone’s reputation. कलंकित करना
8.Propensity (N)-a tendency to behave in a particular way. प्रवृत्ति
9.Grave (Adj)-seriously bad.
10.Famine (N)-an extreme lack of food in a region, causing suffering and death. अकाल
9.Stoutly (Adv)-in a firm and determined way. दृढ़तापूर्वक, मजबूती के साथ
10.Avenues (N)-a way of approaching a problem or making progress towards something. मार्ग
11.Proximity (N)-nearness in space, time, or relationship. निकटता
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