Thursday, May 27, 2021



1.Accentuating (V)-make more noticeable or prominent.

2.Inoculations (N)-taking a vaccine as a precaution against contracting a disease. टीकाकरण

3.Lagged (Adj)-showing a delayed effect. पिछड़ जाना

4.Upheaval (N)-a strong, sudden, or violent disturbance. उथल-पुथल

5.Commendable (Adj)-deserving praise or admiration. सराहनीय,  प्रशंसनीय

6.Bearing On (Phrasal Verb)-to be relevant or important to.

7.Scale Up (Phrasal Verb)-to increase the size, extent, or effect of. बढ़ाना

8.Sagacity (N)-good judgment based on practical knowledge and experience. चतुराई, बुद्धिमत्ता

9.Prowess (N)- extraordinary ability.

10.Disseminated (Adj)-having spread (something, especially information) widely. प्रचारित किया हुआ

11.Percolate (V)-to spread gradually.

12.Fortnight (N)-a period of two weeks.

13.Imbues (V)-to fill or inspire (with ideals or principles).

14.Rolled Out (Phrasal Verb)-officially launch or introduce a new product or service.

15.Efficacy (N)-the ability to produce a desired or intended result. प्रभावकारिता

16.Inoculated (V)-treat with a vaccine to produce immunity against a disease; vaccinate. टीका

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