1.Strained (Adj)-showing signs of nervous tension or tiredness. तनावपूर्ण
2.At Loggerheads (Phrase)-disagreeing very strongly with someone.
3.Contention (N)-disagreement or dispute. विवाद
4.Memoranda (N)-a written proposal or reminder. ज्ञापन, अनुबोधक
5.Anguish (N)-extreme pain, distress, or anxiety.
6.Scrupulously (Adv)-in a very careful and thorough way. निष्ठापूर्वक
7.Adversaries (N)-an enemy or opponent. विरोधी
8.Contestation (N)-the action or process of disputing or arguing. विवाद
9.Shake Off (Phrasal Verb)-to get rid of an illness, problem etc.
10.Dispossession (N)-the action of depriving someone of land, property, or other possessions. निर्वासन
11.Assuage (V)-to lessen (pain or suffering). कम करना, शान्त करना
12.Disconcerting (Adj)-making someone feel uncertain and uncomfortable or worried. चिंताजनक
13.Infirmities (N)-an imperfection or blemish. कमजोरी
14.Allay (V)-to reduce (fear, doubt, or anger). कम करना
15.Amicable (Adj)-characterized by friendliness and absence of discord. सौहार्दपूर्ण, मित्रतापूर्ण
16.Spearheading (V)-lead (an attack or movement). अगुआई
17.Sanguine (Adj)-optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation. आशावादी
18.In The Vicinity Of (Idiom)- in the area that is close to (a place).
19.Thrashing Out (Phrasal Verb)-to talk about (something) in order to make a decision, find a solution, etc.
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