Sunday, July 18, 2021


All comparative exams

1.Remission (N)-the cancellation of a debt, charge, or penalty. माफ़ी

2.Assassination (N)-murder of a public figure by surprise attack. हत्या

3.Clemency (N)-the act of forgiving or the state of being forgiven. राज्यक्षमा

4.Tenable (Adj)-able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection. तर्कसंगत

5.Ramifications (N)-a complex or unwelcome consequence of an action or event. प्रभाव

6.Incarceration (N)-the state of being kept in confinement. कैद

7.Humanitarian (Adj)-concerned with or seeking to promote human welfare. मानवतावादी

8.Hackles (N)-a feeling of anger and animosity.

9.Left No Stone Unturned (Phrase)-try every possible course of action in order to achieve something.

10.Whopping (Adj)-unusually large in size, extent, or degree.

11.Constellation (N)-a group of associated or similar people or things.

12.Triumphed (V)-to win a great victory, or to have a great success.

13.Burnish (V)-To improve or make more impressive.

14.Ruffle A Few Feathers (Phrase)-to make someone feel worried or annoyed.

15. Disengagement: the action or process of withdrawing from involvement in an activity, situation, or group.

16. Moratorium : A moratorium is a delay or suspension of an activity or a law.

17. Armoured: steel-plated, bulletproof, bombproof.

18. Patrolled: keep watch over (an area) by regularly walking or travelling around it.

19. Artillery: a military detachment or branch of the armed forces that uses large-calibre guns.

20. hard nut to crack(phrase) :A difficult problem.

21. stand-off (Noun) : a situation in which agreement in an argument does not seem possible.

22. predates : exist or occur at a date earlier than (something)

23. Condemnation(N):the expression of very strong disapproval; censure.तिरस्कार

24. Ostensibly(प्रकट रूप से): apparently

25.Laundered(Adj.):(of money) obtained illegally and processed secretly, typically by transfers involving foreign banks or legitimate businesses.

26.Brush aside(Phrasal verb):to treat (something) as not important : to ignore or dismiss.

27.Relentless(adj.):persistent, continuing.

28.Grievances(N):complaint, criticism, objection.

29.Behoves(v):it is right for someone to do something.

30.Dissenters:objector, protester.

31.Inevitable (Adj)-impossible to avoid or prevent. अनिवार्य

32.Stunting (N)-the impaired growth and development that children experience from poor nutrition, repeated infection, and inadequate psychosocial stimulation.

33.Leaned On (Phrasal Verb)-to depend on someone.

34.Alimony (N)-an allowance paid under a court order by one spouse to another after separation. परित्यक्ता पत्नी के लिये वृत्ति या जीविका

35.Matrimonial (Adj)-relating to marriage or married people. वैवाहिक

36.Drag On (Phrasal Verb)-to continue.

37.Cobwebs (N)-something that entangles, obscures, or confuses.

38.Inequitable (Adj)-unjust or unfair.

39.Decree (N)-an official order that has the force of law. आज्ञा

40.Destitution (N)-poverty so extreme that one lacks the means to provide for oneself. अभाव, गरीबी

41.Vagrancy (N)-having no permanent home or means of livelihood.

42.A Glimmer Of Hope (Phrase)-a very small sign that something might improve or succeed.

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