Friday, July 30, 2021


1.Toppling (V)-remove (a government or person in authority) from power; overthrow. गिरा देना

2.Orchestrated (V)-to arrange (something) in order to produce a particular result. गुप्त रूप से आयोजित करना

3.Coup (N)-a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government. तख्ता पलट

4.Repressive (Adj)-ruling or controlling people by the use of force or violence. दमनकारी

5.Quell (V)-to completely stop or end something. दमन करना

6.Detained (V)-keep (someone) in official custody, typically for questioning about a crime or in a politically sensitive situation. नजरबंद, हिरासत में लिया

7.Repercussions (N)-the usually bad effect of an event, action, or decision. नतीजों

8.Crackdowns (N)-severe or repressive measures. कड़ी कर्रवाई

9.Dictatorship (N)-a political system in which a monarch or dictator has unrestricted power. तानाशाही

10.Sit-Ins (N)-a form of protest in which demonstrators occupy a place, refusing to leave until their demands are met. धरना

11.Surge (N)-a sudden and great increase. बढ़ना

12.Blended (Adj)-put or combine (abstract things) together.

13.Outcomes (N)-the result or consequence of something. परिणाम

14.Apprehension (N)-anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen.

15.Frighteningly (Adv)-in a frightening or alarming way. भयावह रूप से

16.Fraught (Adj)-causing or having extreme worry or anxiety.

17.Disrupted (V)-interrupt (an event, activity, or process) by causing a disturbance or problem. बाधित

18.Sagacious (Adj)-wise or sensible.

19.In The Offing (Phrase)-likely to happen or appear soon. होनेवाला है

20.Venomous (Adj)-extremely unpleasant and full of very strong anger or hate. विद्वेषपूर्ण

21.Intermediaries (N)-a medium or means.

22.Abound (V)-exist in large numbers or amounts. प्रचुर मात्रा में होना

23.Amplified (V)-to increase the strength or amount of. विस्तृत करना

24.Incendiary (Adj)-likely to cause anger or violence. भड़काने वाला

25.Affiliations (N)-a connection with a political party or religion, or with a larger organization.

26.Throttling (V)-to intentionally reduce or increase the speed of an internet service.

27.Brushed Away (Phrase)-to refuse to accept or listen to something that someone says.

28.Legitimate (Adj)-conforming to the law or to rules. वैध

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