1.Pushing Through (Phrasal Verb)-to make a plan or suggestion be officially accepted or put into use.
2.Confrontation (N)-a hostile or argumentative situation or meeting between opposing parties. आमना-सामना, टकराव
3.Boycotting (V)-refuse to cooperate with or participate in (a policy or event). बहिष्कार करना
4.Belatedly (Adv)-delayed beyond the usual time.
5.Stay Away (Phrasal Verb)-to avoid someone or something. दूर रहना
6.Round The Corner (Phrase)-coming very soon or about to happen.
7.Manoeuvring (V)-move skilfully or carefully.
8.Legitimacy (N)-the quality of being reasonable and acceptable. वैधता
9.Fishing For (Phrasal Verb)-to seek some kind of information.
10.Offences (N)-a breach of a law or rule; an illegal act. अपराध
11.Sedition (N)-speech, writing, or behaviour intended to encourage rebellion or resistance against the government. राजद्रोह, विद्रोह
12.Enmity (N)-a feeling of hostility or ill will. शत्रुता
13.Malicious (Adj)-harmful, menacing, or vindictive.
14.Dissenters (N)-a person who disagrees with a government or a powerful organization. विरोधी
15.Marred (V)-to spoil something, making it less good or less enjoyable. बिगाड़ना
16.Deemed (V)-regard or consider in a specified way.
17.Running Out (Phrasal Verb)-(of a supply of something) be used up. समाप्त हो जाना
18.Status Quo (N)-the present situation. यथा स्थिति
19.Taking Cognisance Of (Idiom)-to notice or give attention to (something).
20.Recalcitrant (Adj)-refusing to obey orders. आज्ञा न माननेवाला, उद्दण्ड
21.Vigil (N)-carefulness, watchfulness, alertness, caution. सतर्कता
22.Mutations (N)-a significant and basic alteration.
23.Seropositivity (Adj)-Indicating a positive reaction to a serological blood test, especially one testing for the presence of antibodies.
24.Spate (N)-a large number of things happening within a period of time.
25.Chaos (N)-general lawlessness and disorder. उथल-पुथल, अराजकता
26.Unleashed (V)-to suddenly release a violent force that cannot be controlled.
27.Abhorrent (Adj)-hateful or disgusting. घृणास्पद
28.Plausible (Adj)-likely to be true.
29.Agents Provocateurs (N)-a person who intentionally encourages people to do something illegal.
30.Recalcitrant (Adj)-having an obstinately uncooperative attitude towards authority or discipline. आज्ञा न माननेवाला, उद्दण्ड
31.Unenviable (Adj)-difficult, undesirable, or unpleasant. अवांछनीय
32.Bringing The Culprits To Book (Idiom)-to punish someone and make that person explain their behaviour.
33.Salvage (V)-to try to make a bad situation better. क्षति से बचाना
34.Nip In The Bud (Phrase)-to stop a bad situation from becoming worse by taking action at an early stage of its development.
35.Clunkers (N)-an old vehicle or machine that is in very bad condition.
36.Hybrids (N)-a vehicle with an engine that uses both petrol and another type of energy, usually electricity.
37.On The Cards (Phrase)-likely to happen.
38.Weigh In (Phrasal Verb)-to give an opinion or enter a discussion or argument.
39.Scrappage (N)-a government programme that gives drivers a financial incentive to replace old cars with newer, more fuel-efficient ones.
40.Envisioned (V)-to consider as a possibility. आगे की सोचना
41.Guzzlers (N)-a car, truck, etc. that uses large amounts of petrol very quickly.
42.Gestation (N)-(the period of) the development of ideas, thoughts, or plans.
43.Turbulent (Adj)-characterized by conflict, disorder, or confusion; not stable or calm. अशांत
44.Hit Out At (Phrasal Verb)-to make a verbal attack upon (someone).
45.Intimidate (V)-to frighten (someone) with threats. धमकाना, भय दिखाना
46.Antagonism (N)-actively expressed opposition or hostility. विरोधी
47.Jarring (Adj)-having a harshly concussive, disagreeable, or discordant effect.
48.Showing Off (Phrasal Verb)-boastfully display one's abilities or accomplishments.
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