Saturday, August 7, 2021

Daily vocabulary

1.Disparate (Adj)-different groups or classes. भिन्न

2.Queered The Pitch (Phrase)-To ruin, spoil, or undermine one's efforts, plans, or ideas.

3.On A Tight Leash (Phrase)-under strict control.

4.Paradox (N)-a person or thing that is made up of contradictory elements. विरोधाभास

5.Trailblazer (N)-a person who is the first to do something. अग्रणी

6.Boasted (V)-talk with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about one's achievements, possessions, or abilities. दावा, डींग मारना

7.Realignments (N)-the action of changing or restoring something to a different or former position or state. पुनर्निर्धारण

8.Authoritative (Adj)-able to be trusted as being accurate or true; reliable. प्राधिकृत

9.Woo (V)-seek the favour, support, or custom of. समर्थन माँग

10.Wont (N)-one's customary behaviour. अभ्यस्त

11.Inimitable (Adj)-so excellent as to be beyond or above comparison. जिसका अनुकरण नहीं किया जा 

12.Gamut (N)-the complete range of things of a particular type. सारे पह

13.Exhortations (N)-an address or communication emphatically urging someone to do something. प्रबोधन, प्रोत्साहन, संबो

14.Tick All The Right Boxes (Phrase)-To meet or fit the criteria or expectation

15.Hamstrung (Adj)-In a difficult situatio

16.Debilitating (Adj)-tending to weaken something. दुर्ब

17.Looking Up (Phrasal Verb)-to become bett

18.Crave (V)-to desire intensely. चाह

19.Mixed Bag (N)-one having both positive and negative qualities or aspect

20.Snub (N)-an act of ignoring or refusing to acknowledge someon

21.Played Into (Phrasal Verb)-to help support (something, such as an ide

22.Rifts (N)-a serious break in friendly relations. दरा

23.Pushback (N)-a negative or unfavourable reaction or respon

24.At Odds (Phrase)-in conflict or atरa)e.s.नाer.लn.s.धनलूसकताना

25.Statehood (N)-the status of being a recognized independent nation. राज्यत्व

26.Resilience (N)-The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.

27.Aspirations (N)-a hope or ambition of achieving something. आकांक्षाओं

28.Sow (V)-to be the cause of.

29.Professes (V)-to claim (something as true), often falsely.

30.Macabre (Adj)-frightening or unpleasant, and usually involving death, decay, or violence. भयावह

31.Ultranationalism (N)-extreme nationalism that promotes the interests of one state or people above all others.

32.Freewheeling (Adj)-not limited by rules or accepted ways of doing things.

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