Sunday, August 8, 2021


Daily English Vocabulary Words.:

1.Evisceration (N)-take away a vital or essential part of.

2.Prognosticating (V)-to give an indication of in advance. पूर्व संकेत करना

3.Unenviable (Adj)-difficult, undesirable, or unpleasant. अवांछनीय

4.Prudent (Adj)-careful and avoiding risks.

5.Cumulative (Adj)-increasing by one addition after another. बढ़ता हुआ

6.Imperative (N)-an essential or urgent thing. अनिवार्य

7.Divergence (N)-a variation that deviates from the standard or norm. भिन्नता

8.Forbearance (N)-patient self-control; restraint and tolerance. सहनशीलता

9.Statehood (N)-the status of being a recognized independent nation.

10.Detention (N)-imprisonment, confinement, incarceration, duress. नज़रबंदी

11.Anticipated (V)-to imagine or expect that something will happen. पूर्वानुमानित, प्रत्याशित

12.Vowed (V)-to make a determined decision or promise to do something.

13.Reiterated (V)-to repeat again and again. बार बार कहना या करना

14.Pledge (N)-a solemn promise.

15.Face-Off (N)-a direct confrontation between two people or groups. सामना

16.Alienation (N)-separation resulting from hostility.

17.Reckless (Adj)-marked by lack of proper caution or careless of consequences. लापरवाह

18.Delegitimise (V)-to make something seem not valid or not acceptable.

19.Enduring (Adj)-existing for a long time.

20.Formidable (Adj)-difficult, hard, tough, severe, painful, exhausting.

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