Tuesday, August 3, 2021


1.Convened(V):-come or bring together for a meeting or activity; assemble.संयोजित

2.In the midst of(phrase):in the middle of a place or a group of things or people

3.Spilled over(Phrasal Verb):(of a bad situation or strong emotion)reach a point at which it can no longer be controlled or contained

4.Depleted(v):-use up the supply or resources of.कम करना

5.Vulnerable: at riks, Unsafe.

6.Precipitous(adj.):-dangerously high or steep.शीघ्र

7.Vertebrate(N):-an animal of a large group distinguished by the possession of a backbone or spinal column, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fishes

8.flora and fauna:  the term flora relates to all plant life and the term fauna represents all animal life.

9.Irritants(N):-thing that is continually annoying or distracting.

10.Dispensed with(Phrasal verb):to no longer use someone or something because you no longer want or need them

11.Envisaged(v):-foresee, predict परिकल्पित

12.Indigenous(Adj.):-originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native.  

13.Toe-to-toe(Phrase:):-(of two people) standing directly in front of one another, especially in order to fight or argue.काँटे की टक्कर

14.Bonhomie(N):-cheerful friendliness; geniality.खुशमिजाजी

15.Undergird(v):-STRENGTHEN, SUPPORT

16.Disdain(तिरस्कार):-the feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one's consideration or respect.

17.Brawl:to quarrel or fight noisily

18.Dug One's heels(Phrase):- to refuse to alter one's course of action or opinions; to be obstinate or determined.

19.Bungling(गोलमाल करना):-making or characterized by many clumsy mistakes.

20.Stepping out of the shadow : is used to describe someone finding success apart from the success of another person.

21.Bout(N): spell, period, time

22.Prosaically(adverb):-नीरसता से, monotonously, prosaically

23.Stalwarts(दिग्गजों):-a loyal, reliable, and hard-working supporter of or participant in an organization or team.

24.Demarcated(verb):Seprate, delimit; सीमांकित

25.Mopping up(phrasal verb):-complete the military conquest of an area by capturing or killing remaining enemy troops;make an end of, account for, take care of.

26.Epitaph(स्मृति लेख):-omething by which a person, time, or event will be remembered

27.Denouement: Outcome, resut , end result

28.Resurrection: restoration, regeneration

29.Stringent(Adj):-strict, precise, and exacting.कड़ा, कठोर

30.Debilitating(Adj.):-tending to weaken something.कमजोरी लाने वाली

31.In the face of(phrase):;despite:के बावजूद

32.Recalcitrant(Adj.):-unmanageable, ungovernable, आज्ञा न माननेवाला

33.Caveats(N):-warning, caution ,admonition;चेतावनियां

34.Albeit is a conjunction that means “even though” or “although.”

35.Beleaguered(V):put in a very difficult situation.परेशान

36.Semblance(N):-appearance, show; दिखावा, झलक,अनुरूपता

37.Buoy(v):-keep (someone or something) afloat. सीमित

38.Contraction(N): shrinking, decline

39.Recalibrate(v)calibrate (something) again or differently.अंशांकित

40. Depleted(v):-use up the supply or resources of.कम करना

Monday, August 2, 2021

Daily the Hindu Vocabulary

 ◆Daily The Hindu Vocabulary◆

1. FLAK.

It is an NOUN.

Its hindi meaning is आलोचना.

Its English meaning is Criticism.

It’s Synonyms is: Censure, Disapproval.

It’s Antonyms is: Approval.

Example Sentence:

You must be strong enough to take the flak if things go wrong.


It is an VERB.

Its hindi meaning is खत्म करना.

Its English meaning is Suppress.

It’s Synonyms is: Put an end to, Finish.

It’s Antonyms is: Prompt.

Example Sentence:

A hospital executive quashed rumours that nursing staff will lose jobs.


It is an VERB.

Its hindi meaning is ख़ाली करना.

Its English meaning is Remove.

It’s Synonyms is: Clear, Move out.

It’s Antonyms is: Hold.

Example Sentence:

Several families were evacuated from their home.


It is an NOUN.

Its hindi meaning is व्यक्तिवादी.

Its English meaning is Individualist.

It’s Synonyms is: Nonconformist, Free spirit.

It’s Antonyms is: Conformist.

Example Sentence:

He's the maverick of the senate.



Its hindi meaning is उर्वर.

Its English meaning is Productive.

It’s Synonyms is: Fertile, Inventive.

It’s Antonyms is: Non-productive.

Example Sentence:

In captivity tigers are prolific breeders.



Its hindi meaning is विनीत.

Its English meaning is Courteous.

It’s Synonyms is: Polite, Civil.

It’s Antonyms is: Ungracious.

Example Sentence:

The hostess of the party was gracious.



Its hindi meaning is अमिट.

Its English meaning is Ineradicable.

It’s Synonyms is: Ineffaceable, Indestructible.

It’s Antonyms is: Erasable.

Example Sentence:

He has an indelible impression on me.



Its hindi meaning is अविश्वसनीय.

Its English meaning is Unbelievable.

It’s Synonyms is: Beyond-Belief, Unconvincing.

It’s Antonyms is: Believable.

Example Sentence:

Hers is an incredible tale of triumph.



Its hindi meaning is घृणित.

Its English meaning is Contemptible.

It’s Synonyms is: Loathsome,Hateful.

It’s Antonyms is: Admirable.

Example Sentence:

What he did was a despicable crime.


It is an VERB.

Its hindi meaning is संपन्न बनाना.

Its English meaning is Enhance.

It’s Synonyms is: Improve, Augment.

It’s Antonyms is: Spoil.

Example Sentence: 

Her exposure to museums enriched her life in France.

11. VICE.

It is a NOUN.

Its hindi meaning is अनैतिकता.

Its English meaning is Immorality.

It’s Synonyms is: Wrongdoing, Wickedness.

It’s Antonyms is: Virtue.

Example Sentence:

The center was often referred as an open sewer of vice and crime.

12. DEFER.

It is an VERB.

Its hindi meaning is योग्यता स्वीकार करना

Its English meaning is Yield.

It’s Synonyms is: Submit, Give way.

It’s Antonyms is: Stand up to.

Example Sentence:

He deferred to Teresa's superior knowledge.



Its hindi meaning is सुहावना

Its English meaning is Pleasant.

It’s Synonyms is: Acceptable, Satisfactory.

It’s Antonyms is: Disagreeable.

Example Sentence:

A device that made increased taxation more palatable.

14. MOURN.

It is a VERB.

Its hindi meaning is शोक करना.

Its English meaning is Deplore.

It’s Synonyms is: Bewail, Bemoan.

It’s Antonyms is: Rejoice.

Example Sentence:

Publishers mourned declining sales of hardback fiction.

15. HURL.

It is a VERB.

Its hindi meaning is वेग से फेंकना.

Its English meaning is Throw.

It’s Synonyms is: Toss, Fling.

It’s Antonyms is: Catch.

Example Sentence:

Rioters hurled a brick through the windscreen.

16. REBUT.

It is a VERB.

Its hindi meaning is खंडन करना.

Its English meaning is Refute.

It’s Synonyms is: Deny, Disprove.

It’s Antonyms is: Confirm.

Example Sentence:

He had to rebut charges of acting for the convenience of his political friends.



Its hindi meaning is डाँवाँडोल.

Its English meaning is Drifting.

It’s Synonyms is: Unmoored, Unanchored.

It’s Antonyms is: Moored.

Example Sentence:

A cargo ship went adrift.



Its hindi meaning is उत्तम.

Its English meaning is Perfect.

It’s Synonyms is: Exemplary, Supreme.

It’s Antonyms is: Imperfect.

Example Sentence:

She dressed with consummate elegance.

19. CITE.

It is a NOUN.

Its hindi meaning is उद्धरण देना.

Its English meaning is Quote.

It’s Synonyms is: Reproduce, Mention.

It’s Antonyms is: Conceal.

Example Sentence:

Authors who are highly regarded by their peers tend to be cited.


It is a VERB.

Its hindi meaning is प्रत्यर्पण करना

Its English meaning is Deport

It’s Synonyms is: Hand over, Repatriate.

It’s Antonyms is: Keep.

Example Sentence: 

India refused to extradite him to the Netherlands.

Essential English Words

1.Pushing Through (Phrasal Verb)-to make a plan or suggestion be officially accepted or put into use.

2.Confrontation (N)-a hostile or argumentative situation or meeting between opposing parties. आमना-सामना, टकराव

3.Boycotting (V)-refuse to cooperate with or participate in (a policy or event). बहिष्कार करना

4.Belatedly (Adv)-delayed beyond the usual time.

5.Stay Away (Phrasal Verb)-to avoid someone or something. दूर रहना

6.Round The Corner (Phrase)-coming very soon or about to happen.

7.Manoeuvring (V)-move skilfully or carefully.

8.Legitimacy (N)-the quality of being reasonable and acceptable. वैधता

9.Fishing For (Phrasal Verb)-to seek some kind of information.

10.Offences (N)-a breach of a law or rule; an illegal act. अपराध

11.Sedition (N)-speech, writing, or behaviour intended to encourage rebellion or resistance against the government. राजद्रोह,  विद्रोह

12.Enmity (N)-a feeling of hostility or ill will. शत्रुता

13.Malicious (Adj)-harmful, menacing, or vindictive.

14.Dissenters (N)-a person who disagrees with a government or a powerful organization. विरोधी

15.Marred (V)-to spoil something, making it less good or less enjoyable. बिगाड़ना

16.Deemed (V)-regard or consider in a specified way.

17.Running Out (Phrasal Verb)-(of a supply of something) be used up. समाप्त हो जाना

18.Status Quo (N)-the present situation. यथा स्थिति

19.Taking Cognisance Of (Idiom)-to notice or give attention to (something).

20.Recalcitrant (Adj)-refusing to obey orders. आज्ञा न माननेवाला, उद्दण्ड

21.Vigil (N)-carefulness, watchfulness, alertness, caution. सतर्कता

22.Mutations (N)-a significant and basic alteration.

23.Seropositivity (Adj)-Indicating a positive reaction to a serological blood test, especially one testing for the presence of antibodies.

24.Spate (N)-a large number of things happening within a period of time.

25.Chaos (N)-general lawlessness and disorder. उथल-पुथल, अराजकता

26.Unleashed (V)-to suddenly release a violent force that cannot be controlled.

27.Abhorrent (Adj)-hateful or disgusting. घृणास्पद

28.Plausible (Adj)-likely to be true.

29.Agents Provocateurs (N)-a person who intentionally encourages people to do something illegal.

30.Recalcitrant (Adj)-having an obstinately uncooperative attitude towards authority or discipline. आज्ञा न माननेवाला, उद्दण्ड

31.Unenviable (Adj)-difficult, undesirable, or unpleasant. अवांछनीय

32.Bringing The Culprits To Book (Idiom)-to punish someone and make that person explain their behaviour.

33.Salvage (V)-to try to make a bad situation better. क्षति से बचाना

34.Nip In The Bud (Phrase)-to stop a bad situation from becoming worse by taking action at an early stage of its development.

35.Clunkers (N)-an old vehicle or machine that is in very bad condition.

36.Hybrids (N)-a vehicle with an engine that uses both petrol and another type of energy, usually electricity.

37.On The Cards (Phrase)-likely to happen.

38.Weigh In (Phrasal Verb)-to give an opinion or enter a discussion or argument.

39.Scrappage (N)-a government programme that gives drivers a financial incentive to replace old cars with newer, more fuel-efficient ones.

40.Envisioned (V)-to consider as a possibility. आगे की सोचना

41.Guzzlers (N)-a car, truck, etc. that uses large amounts of petrol very quickly.

42.Gestation (N)-(the period of) the development of ideas, thoughts, or plans.

43.Turbulent (Adj)-characterized by conflict, disorder, or confusion; not stable or calm. अशांत

44.Hit Out At (Phrasal Verb)-to make a verbal attack upon (someone).

45.Intimidate (V)-to frighten (someone) with threats. धमकाना,  भय दिखाना

46.Antagonism (N)-actively expressed opposition or hostility. विरोधी

47.Jarring (Adj)-having a harshly concussive, disagreeable, or discordant effect.

48.Showing Off (Phrasal Verb)-boastfully display one's abilities or accomplishments.

Daily the Hindu Vocabulary


1.Take Up (Phrasal Verb)-to adopt the study, practice, or activity of. शुरू करना

2.Staggered (Adj)-very shocked or surprised.

3.Revitalised (V)-to put new life or energy into something.

4.Sinews (N)-a part of a structure or system that provides support and holds it together.

5.Lax (Adj)-without much care, attention, or control. लापरवाह

6.Unwavering (Adj)-strong and steady despite opposition or other problems.

7.Elicited (V)-to bring about (a response or reaction).

8.Kitty (N)-an amount of money that has been collected by a person or organization for a particular purpose.

9.Contraction (N)-reduction, cut, decrease, weakening, deduction. सिकुड़न

10.Scaled Up (Phrasal Verb)-to increase the size, amount, or importance of something.

11.Cess (N)-a tax, assessment, or lien. कर

12.Pent-Up (Adj)-characterized by or showing the suppression of impulses or emotions. नियंत्रित किया हुआ

13.Brewing (V)-to devise or plan.

14.Fabled (Adj)-Famous and well-known.

15.Doomsday (N)-a time or event of crisis or great danger.

16.In Tandem (Phrase)-alongside each other.

17.Somersault (N)-a sudden change from one policy or opinion to another very different one. उलट-फेर

18.Dissipated (V)-to spend or use wastefully or extravagantly.

19.Unrelenting (Adj)-without stopping. निरन्तर

20.Struck A Chord (Idiom)-to strongly impress (someone).

21.On The Mat (Phrase)-In a position to face a reprimand from someone.

22.Banked On (Phrase)-base one's hopes or confidence on something. आशा करना, भरोसा रखना

23.Foment (V)-Instigate or stir up (an undesirable or violent sentiment or course of action). भड़काना

24.Astounding (Adj)-very surprising or shocking.

25.Reek (V)-be suggestive of something unpleasant or undesirable.

26.Patriarchy (N)-a society, system, or organization in which men have all or most of the power and influence.

27.Propounded (V)-to suggest a theory, belief, or opinion for other people to consider. प्रतिपादित

28.Detestable (Adj)-deserving intense dislike. तिरस्करणीय

29.Legitimising (V)-to make something legal or acceptable. वैध करना

30.Slur (N)-a disparaging remark. उपेक्षा

31.Ostensible (Adj)-stated or appearing to be true, but not necessarily so. तथाकथित

32.Zealous (Adj)-extremely eager or enthusiastic. उत्साही

33.Flaws (N)-an imperfection or blemish. त्रुटि

34.Go Out On A Limb (Phrase)-do or say something that is different from most other people.

35.Frowned Upon (Phrasal Verb)-to disapprove of (something).


36.Stand-Off (N)-a situation in which agreement in an argument does not seem possible. गतिरोध

37.Fruitless (Adj)-failing to achieve the desired results. निरर्थक

38.Ruptured (V)-to cause a breach in relations or friendship. संबंध विच्छेद

39.Lucrative (Adj)-producing a great deal of profit. लाभप्रद

40.Quietude (N)-a state of stillness, calmness, and quiet in a person or place. शांति

41.Coercion (N)-the practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats. दबाव

42.Deterring (V)-to discourage or prevent someone from doing something by instilling fear or doubt in them. भय दिखाकर रोकना

43.Incursions (N)-an invasion or attack, especially a sudden or brief one. घुसपैठ

44.High-Water Mark (N)-the most successful point of something.

45.Trade-Offs (N)- an agreement to do something if someone else does something.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Word Meaning

 Word Meaning

1. Beleaguered- परेशान

2. Reiterates- बार बार दुहराना

3. Spewing- जल्दी से निकलना

4. Alacrity- तत्परता,Readiness

5. Avowed- स्वीकृत

6. Dilatory- विलम्बकारी

7. Tactic- कार्यनीति

8. Sacrilege- तोड़ना-मरोड़ना

9. Scuttling- बिगाड़ना, बरबाद करना

10. Blatant- ज़बरदस्त

11. Endorsement- पुष्टि, सबूत

12. Inclement- कठोर

13. Gusty-windy

14. Hailstorm- ओला-वृष्टि

15. Stride- प्रगति

16. Incentives- प्रोत्साहन

17. Sustainable - धारणीय, कायम रहने वाला

18. Poking-a hand gesture used to point things not to be done

19. Deplorable- दु:खद, शोचनीय

20. Demolition- तोड़फोड़

21. Intervene- हस्तक्षेप करना,interfere with

22. Eavesdropping- चोरी छुपे सुनना

23. Whistle-blower - मुखबिर

24. Flagged- झंडी से सूचित करना,point with


25. Entrenched- आरोपित

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Daily the Hindu Vocabulary


1.Repressive (Adj)-ruling or controlling people by laws that put unreasonable limits on their freedom. दमनकारी

2.Apparatus (N)-the complex structure of a particular organization or system.

3.Satire (N)-the use of ridicule to expose incompetence, evil, or corruption. कटूपहास, व्यंग

4.Exhibition (N)-a public display of art, skills, etc. कला प्रदर्शन

5.Over-The-Top (Idiom)-lacking restraint or a sense of proportion.

6.Quells (V)-to suppress (rebellion or unrest).

7.Dissent (N)- political opposition to a government or its policies. विरोध, असहमति

8.Discourse (N)-written or spoken communication or debate.


▪️The science of sound – Acoustics (ध्वनि विज्ञान)

▪️The science of aviation – Aeronautics (एयरोनॉटिक्स)

▪️The study of man, especially, of the evolution and customs of mankind – Anthropology (मनुष्य जाति का विज्ञान)

▪️The study of human antiquities – Archaeology (पुरातत्व विज्ञान)

▪️The science of heavenly bodies – Astronomy (खगोल विज्ञान)

▪️The science of travel in space – Astronautics (अन्तरिक्ष विज्ञान)

▪️The science of life and living things – Biology (जीव विज्ञान)

▪️The science of plants – Botany (वनस्पति विज्ञान)

▪️The art of making pottery – Ceramics (मिट्टी के पात्र)

▪️The science of colours –Chromatology (रंग विज्ञान)

▪️The study of statistics of births, deaths ,diseases, etc., of a community – Demography (जनसांख्यिकी)

▪️The art of effective speaking esp. in public – Elocution (प्रभाव पूर्ण बोलने की कला)

▪️The study of insects – Entomology (कीटविज्ञान)

▪️The science which deals with the variances of the human race – Ethnology (चरित्र विज्ञान)

▪️The science of the origin and history of words – Etymology (शब्द-व्युपत्ति)

▪️The study of coins or coinage – Numismatic ( सिक्कों का अध्यन)

▪️The study of birds – Ornithology (पक्षी विज्ञान)

▪️The study of mountains – Orology (पर्वतों का अध्यन)

▪️The study of ancient modes of writing – Paleography (प्राचीन शिलालेखों का अध्ययन)

▪️The art of elegant speech of writing – Rhetoric ( प्रभाव पूर्ण सब्दों का प्रयोग करना)

▪️The science of poisons – Toxicology (विषज्ञान)

▪️Using hypnosis – Hypnotherapy ( सम्मोहन विज्ञान)

▪️Using natural things – Naturopathy (प्राकृतिक विज्ञान)

▪️Using exercise,massage – Physiotherapy (बिजली द्वारा इलाज)

Friday, July 30, 2021


1.Toppling (V)-remove (a government or person in authority) from power; overthrow. गिरा देना

2.Orchestrated (V)-to arrange (something) in order to produce a particular result. गुप्त रूप से आयोजित करना

3.Coup (N)-a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government. तख्ता पलट

4.Repressive (Adj)-ruling or controlling people by the use of force or violence. दमनकारी

5.Quell (V)-to completely stop or end something. दमन करना

6.Detained (V)-keep (someone) in official custody, typically for questioning about a crime or in a politically sensitive situation. नजरबंद, हिरासत में लिया

7.Repercussions (N)-the usually bad effect of an event, action, or decision. नतीजों

8.Crackdowns (N)-severe or repressive measures. कड़ी कर्रवाई

9.Dictatorship (N)-a political system in which a monarch or dictator has unrestricted power. तानाशाही

10.Sit-Ins (N)-a form of protest in which demonstrators occupy a place, refusing to leave until their demands are met. धरना

11.Surge (N)-a sudden and great increase. बढ़ना

12.Blended (Adj)-put or combine (abstract things) together.

13.Outcomes (N)-the result or consequence of something. परिणाम

14.Apprehension (N)-anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen.

15.Frighteningly (Adv)-in a frightening or alarming way. भयावह रूप से

16.Fraught (Adj)-causing or having extreme worry or anxiety.

17.Disrupted (V)-interrupt (an event, activity, or process) by causing a disturbance or problem. बाधित

18.Sagacious (Adj)-wise or sensible.

19.In The Offing (Phrase)-likely to happen or appear soon. होनेवाला है

20.Venomous (Adj)-extremely unpleasant and full of very strong anger or hate. विद्वेषपूर्ण

21.Intermediaries (N)-a medium or means.

22.Abound (V)-exist in large numbers or amounts. प्रचुर मात्रा में होना

23.Amplified (V)-to increase the strength or amount of. विस्तृत करना

24.Incendiary (Adj)-likely to cause anger or violence. भड़काने वाला

25.Affiliations (N)-a connection with a political party or religion, or with a larger organization.

26.Throttling (V)-to intentionally reduce or increase the speed of an internet service.

27.Brushed Away (Phrase)-to refuse to accept or listen to something that someone says.

28.Legitimate (Adj)-conforming to the law or to rules. वैध

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary

1. FLAK (NOUN): (आलोचना): Criticism

Synonyms: Censure, Disapproval

Antonyms: Approval

Example Sentence:

You must be strong enough to take the flak if things go wrong.

2. QUASH (VERB): (खत्म करना): Suppress

Synonyms: Put an end to, Finish

Antonyms: Prompt

Example Sentence:

A hospital executive quashed rumours that nursing staff will lose jobs.

3. EVACUATE (VERB): (ख़ाली करना): Remove

Synonyms: Clear, Move out

Antonyms: Hold

Example Sentence:

Several families were evacuated from their home.

4. MAVERICK (NOUN): (व्यक्तिवादी): Individualist

Synonyms: Nonconformist, Free spirit

Antonyms: Conformist

Example Sentence:

He's the maverick of the senate.

5. PROLIFIC (ADJECTIVE): (उर्वर):Productive

Synonyms: Fertile, Inventive

Antonyms: Non-productive

Example Sentence:

In captivity tigers are prolific breeders.

6. GRACIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (विनीत): Courteous

Synonyms: Polite, Civil

Antonyms: Ungracious

Example Sentence:

The hostess of the party was gracious.

7. INDELIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (अमिट): Ineradicable

Synonyms: Ineffaceable, Indestructible

Antonyms: Erasable

Example Sentence:

He has an indelible impression on me.

8. INCREDIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (अविश्वसनीय): Unbelievable

Synonyms: Beyond-Belief, Unconvincing

Antonyms: Believable

Example Sentence:

Hers is an incredible tale of triumph.

9. DESPICABLE (ADJECTIVE): (घृणित): Contemptible

Synonyms: Loathsome,Hateful

Antonyms: Admirable

Example Sentence:

What he did was a despicable crime.

10. ENRICH (VERB): (संपन्न बनाना): Enhance

Synonyms: Improve, Augment

Antonyms: Spoil

Example Sentence:

Her exposure to museums enriched her life in France.

11. DISPEL (VERB): (दूर करना): Banish

Synonyms: Eliminate, Dismiss

Antonyms: Engender

Example Sentence:

They did nothing to dispel their dejection.

12. THREATEN (VERB): (धमकाना): Menace

Synonyms: Intimidate, Browbeat

Antonyms: Assist

Example Sentence:

To threaten someone is something that should be avoided.

13. OFFENSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (अपमानजनक): Insulting

Synonyms: Rude, Derogatory

Antonyms: Complimentary

Example Sentence:

The allegations made are deeply offensive to us.

14. CUMULATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (संचयी): Increasing

Synonyms: Accumulative, Growing

Antonyms: Subtractive

Example Sentence:

The cumulative effect of two years of drought.

15. PRESUMPTUOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अभिमानी): Brazen

Synonyms: Overconfident, Arrogant

Antonyms: Timid

Example Sentence:

If I offer some advice, I hope I won't be considered presumptuous.

16. CONSIDERABLE (ADJECTIVE): (विशेष): distinguished

Synonyms: Noteworthy, Noted


Example Sentence:

She was a considerable novelist.

17. VETERAN (NOUN): (अनुभवी): Old-hand

Synonyms: Old-timer, Old stager

Antonyms: Novice

Example Sentence:

He is a veteran sitar player.

18. STOKE (VERB): (ईधन झोंकना): Fuel

Synonyms: Mend, Add fuel to

Antonyms: Diminish

Example Sentence:

He stoked up the barbecue.

19. INTROSPECTION (NOUN): (आत्मनिरीक्षण): Brooding

Synonyms: Self-analysis, Soul-searching

Antonyms: Extrospection

Example Sentence:

Quiet introspection can be very valuable.

20. ERECT (VERB): (निर्माण करना): Build

Synonyms: Construct, Put up

Antonyms: Demolish

Example Sentence:

The guest house was erected in the eighteenth century.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary

1. PALLIATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (पीड़ा हटानेवाला): Soothing

Synonyms: Alleviating, Sedative

Antonyms: Intensifying

Example Sentence:

Many old medicines are only palliative.

2. DEFER (VERB): (योग्यता स्वीकार करना): Yield

Synonyms: Submit, Give way

Antonyms: Stand up to

Example Sentence:

He deferred to Teresa's superior knowledge.

3. DISCERNIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (नमूदार): Visible

Synonyms: Detectable, Perceptible

Antonyms: Imperceptible

Example Sentence:

The scandal had no discernible effect on his career.

4. CONSUMMATE (ADJECTIVE): (उत्तम): Perfect

Synonyms: Exemplary, Supreme

Antonyms: Imperfect

Example Sentence:

She dressed with consummate elegance.

5. HURL (VERB): (वेग से फेंकना): Throw

Synonyms: Toss, Fling

Antonyms: Catch

Example Sentence:

Rioters hurled a brick through the windscreen.

6. MAVERICK (NOUN): (व्यक्तिवादी): Individualist

Synonyms: Nonconformist, Free spirit

Antonyms: Conformist

Example Sentence:

He's the maverick of the senate.

7. RESILIENT (ADJECTIVE): (स्थिति-स्थापक): Strong

Synonyms: Tough, Hardy

Antonyms: Vulnerable

Example Sentence:

Babies are generally far more resilient than new parents realize.

8. REBUT (VERB): (खंडन करना): Refute

Synonyms: Deny, Disprove

Antonyms: Confirm

Example Sentence:

He had to rebut charges of acting for the convenience of his political friends.

9. CITE (NOUN): (उद्धरण देना): Quote

Synonyms: Reproduce, Mention

Antonyms: Conceal

Example Sentence:

Authors who are highly regarded by their peers tend to be cited.

10. BOOST (VERB): (बढ़ाना): Improve

Synonyms: Raise, Uplift

Antonyms: Decrease

Example Sentence:

A range of measures boosted tourism.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021


●First catch your hare/ Mind your own business  पहले अपना देखो तब दुसरो को बोलो 

●Red handed/ flat footed रंगे हांथो: Ramesh was caught red handed

●To take bread out of sb's mouth किसी की रोजी रोटी छिनना: If government cannot give us employment then don't have rights to take bread out of our mouth.

●The story made my heart bleed खून के आंसूं

●Acting runs in his blood खून में ही acting है 

●Bag of bones  हड्डियों  का ढांचा: Why don't you eat something you are not more than a bag of bones.

●Grey market चोर बाजार: He bought a mobile phone from grey market and got caught by police. 

●Talk shop काम की बात करना: Don't talk shop when you are on vacation.  

●At the mercy of god भगवान की दया पर: The patient is really in very bad condition, he is at the mercy of God.

●There is no help for it अब कुछ नही हो सकता: There is no help, it's Sunday the banks are closed. 

●Modest शालीन:  

●In vain व्यर्थ हो जाना my hard work went in vain when my boss refused my proposal.

●I am not born yesterday मुझे पता है क्या करना है में बच्चा नही हूँ

●To get up sb's nose नाक में दम कर देना

●Any fool/idiot can answer it कोई भी बता देगा: The question is so easy that any fool can answer it.

●To foot the bill खर्च उठाना। You have to foot the bill I came to meet you after all. 

●Bad hair day मनहूस दिन 

●Heartrending दुखद: People got upset after listening to his heartrending incident. 

●To blow hard; to talk proudly बड़ी बड़ी बाते करना: Come on! you are our boss for a few days, you don't need to blow hard.

●To give somebody long rope ज्यादा छूट देना: People take you for granted if you give them long rope. 

●These are minute’s problem बस कुछ देर की बात है

●Fair with in foul without मुहँ पे कुछ और पीठ पे कुछ और 

●To kick some body in the teeth बहुत नुकसान करना 

●Torch bearer पथ प्रदर्शक 

●Hollow promises खोखले वादे 

●He makes my blood boil खून खौलाना 

●Accept unpleasant fact अपनाना 

●To beat the air/ to roast a stone व्यर्थ मेहनत करना 

●Play the ape अजीब व्यवहार करना

●Eager beaver सिखने के लिए तैयार रहना